
               BORN IS THE KING OF ISRAEL People sing “Born is the King Of Israel” at this time of year.  Do they worship Him as the King of the Jews?  Do they read about His plan for the future of Israel?  Do they realize who will be in Israel’s remnant people? This carol was written in about 1832.  The First Noel told about the star at Jesus’ birth, and about the three wise men who went looking for Jesus’ birthplace, Nazareth.  The Bible describes the times in (Math 2:1-6, Luke 2:8-35).   Later, Jesus was to explain His mission to a woman whose daughter He healed.  He said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”   Paul writes in the letter to the Romans what a “True Israelite” is.  The theme begins in the first chapter of Romans describing how we are to be called of Jesus Christ, to bring about the obedience of faith among all the gentiles (R...